Flask Training Jodhpur



Flask Traning Jodhpur  

Techfly Jodhpur initiates Flask Training Jodhpur for creating web and e-commerce application. Before we introduce the Flask Training Jodhpur let we discuss what is the convenient framework of Python programming.

Flask is a web framework written in Python, it is a macro framework because it does not require libraries or any particular tool. It is a quick and simple tool for solutions of business. It provides a set of libraries for handling most common web development tasks such as:

  1. URL routing that makes it easy to map URLs to your code
  2. Template rendering with Jinja2, one of the most powerful Python template engines.
  3. Built-in development server
  4. Session management and securing cookies
  5. Unicode based
  6. Interactive web-based debugger
  7. Easy to use flexible application configuration management

Why we should get Flask Training in Jodhpur

  • Here are some of the good features of Flask, based on my experience of using it for a few personal projects:
    The documentation and developer tools are excellent, and the Open-Shift  cloud has built-in support for it with free accounts
  • The Flask “core” is simple, but there are a large number of extensions which integrate with it very well
  • Flask is actively maintained and developed
  • It’s based on Python, which is an excellent programming language for rapid high-level application development that offers useful libraries for many other things.

Flask Training Objective

  • Create complete Flask applications
  • Work with session data
  • Design Jinja templates using inheritance
  • Integrate an SQLite database
  • Test and debug Flask applications

Flask Training Course Content

  • Why web frameworks are needed
  • Overview of available Python web frameworks
  • Installation of Flask
  • Routing requests to view functions
  • Serving static files
  • Rendering templates with Jinja2
  • Loops and conditionals
  • Template inheritance
  • Macros in templates
  • Flat pages with Flask-Flatpages
  • HTML5 Boilerplate as a starting point
  • Producing JSON
  • Issuing redirects
  • Application context and Request Context
  • Dealing with file uploads with Flask-Uploads
  • Structuring a complex application: how to avoid circular imports
  • Structuring a complex application: Blueprints
  • Commonly used ORMs: SQLAlchemy and Peewee
  • Database migrations
  • Form validation with WTForms and Flask-WTF
  • Sending an email with Flask-Mail
  • User session management with Flask-Login and Flask-User
  • The admin interface created by Flask-Admin
  • Internationalization with Flask-BabelEx
  • Preprocessing of frontend files with Flask-lesscss and Flask-Assets
  • Deploying Flask applications into production

If you want to learn more about Flask Framework for Python then you can refer to this guide :-
